Her words appeared as sunshine
Dancing in a paper sky
Pure imagination
Fascination for the eyes

Creating warmth with whispers
Weaving poetry to gold
Inspiring lonesome lovers
With the stories that she told

They shone with wonderous wisdom
Into vast eclectic beams
Of lyrical enlightenment
And effervescent dreams

His words appeared as darkness
Tempting smudges on her page
Wooing her with wordplay
To create a paper cage

Creating worlds of sadness
Turning blue skies into black
A vacuum-sucking beauty
Born of heartbreak, loss, and lack

Snuffing out the fires
Of the sunlight in her verses
Replacing saving graces
With his universe of curses

But she would not be silenced
Overshadowed by his will
She used his dark intentions
As a cut before the kill

Now witness as he dies
Inside the prison of his hate
His countenance of lies
Became a consequence of fate

For truth is not concealed
The same as gravity prevails
We’re crushed by what we try to hide
Exposed by grave details

Now, all her words return
To light her world like diamond rays
Burning through the darkness
Shining hope for brighter days

TM DiSarro

©2024 TM DiSarro / MindScapes Publishing


Available on Amazon

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